Boss Stefano Magaddino and his crime organization first made
their money through bootlegging during the Prohibition
era of the 1920’s and 1930’s, then
expanded into loan sharking, gambling, extortion, hijacking,
drug trafficking and labor racketeering.
Magaddino had survived a couple of
murder attempts over the years.
insider Joseph Valachi IN 1963, testifying before a Senate
Permanent Investigations Subcommittee in Washington said Crime
Boss Stefano Magaddino was marked for extermination in a
gangland war in the 1930s.
May 19,1936, a bomb intended for Magaddino exploded at the
house of his sister and brother-in-law at 1651 Whitney Ave.,
Niagra Falls, NY, The sister Arcangela Longo, was killed and her three young
daughters injured in the blast.
1958 another murder attempt was made when a grenade hurled
through a window into his kitchen,
of his home at Dana
Drive in Lewiston, NY,
but failed to explode.
Stefano Magaddino |
believe the murder attempt was made by angry mobsters who
wanted revenge for the disastrous Apalachin Mafia meeting in
1957 that Magaddino organized. Due to that meeting, numerous
arrest of Mafiosi were made and newspaper headlines introduced
the Mafia to the public.
Attempt at Murder
Wrecks Falls Home, Fatally Injures Woman; Daughters Hurt
Falls, NY, MAY 19, 1936, - Wide
Area Rocked As Terrific Explosion
Tears One
House Apart and Damages two
Others; Woman Dies in
A woman was injured and burned fatally and her three
daughters were injured in an explosion which this morning
shortly after 5 o'clock damaged three houses, almost
one, and rocked the Whitney avenue section of the city
between Fifteenth and Eighteenth streets.
The woman fatally injured was Mrs. Arcangela Longo, 42
years old, wife of Nicholas Longo, 1651 Whitney avenue. The
injured are her daughters, Josephine, 17, Rose, 14, and Lena,
11. The two younger girls are in Mount St. Mary's hospital.
Neither is believed to be in serious condition.
Firemen and police who answered calls to the
sent in by panic-stricken residents reported that evidence
pointed to a bomb as the cause of the explosion.
The seat of the explosion was In the
home of Nicholas Longo 43 years old, 1651 Whitney avenue and the blast,
which tore away a large front sun
porch and almost completely wrecked
the upper rear section of the Imposing
brick 2 1/2 story dwelling, damaged the
homes of Peter Battaglia, at 1649
Whitney avenue, and Stephen Magaddino,
1653 Whitney avenue.
Fire Chief James H O'Neill estimated
the total damage due to the
explosion and fire which followed it
at $15,800. The Longo home was
damaged to the extent of $15,000, the
Magaddlno home to the extent of
$500 and the Battaglia home $300.
Awakened Before Blasts
Awakened Just before the explosion
rocked and rent their home, Mrs. Arcangela
Longo, 42, and her three
daughters, Josephine 16, Rose 14 and Lena, 11, were hurled
from their feet
and injured.
Mrs. Longo was seriously
burned and she suffered cuts
and bruises as well. She and the two
younger girls were taken to Mount
St. Mary's hospital by police in an
The mother died there
at 12:20 p.m. Her daughters are
said to be only slightly burned and
injured and are suffering mostly
from shock.
Josephine, the oldest of the three
girls, suffered cuts on the head and
chest. She was given first aid treatment
by neighbors and was not sent
to the hospital.

Wide Area Rocked
The blast rocked houses in an area
of four blocks and many residents of
the locality were pitched from their
beds. Windows in the Magaddino and
Battagila homes were shattered and sections of the walls and
roofs ware
Awakened by the explosion, residents
of the neighborhood rushed to
the Longo home and rendered first
aid and assistance to the members of
the Longo family.
Mr. Longo was
reported to be in New York City on
business and was not at home when
the explosion occurred.
Police Capt Patrick J. Carmody
and Lieut. William Downs assumed
charge of the early investigation of
the case. They were assisted by Patrolmen
Homer Davis and Harley
Police investigation disclosed that
Mrs. Longo and her three daughters
were in bedrooms on the upper floor
of the house when they were awakened
by the smashing of glass on
the lower floor at the east side of
the house. Mrs. Longo arose and
started down a stairway. She had
reached the grade entrance of the
house on the east side when the explosion
Blast Terrific
The blast was terrific. The explosive
is believed to have been thrown
through a window of the lower floor near the grade entrance.
Mrs. Longo
was thrown from her feet, enveloped
in flame
and missiles of torn plaster,
woodwork and possibly fragments of
the death-dealing contraption struck
her, tearing and bruising her flesh.
Her three daughters were on the upper floor
grouped about the stairway,
about, to follow their
mother to
the lower floor, police investigators
said a large section of the east wall of the building was torn out and a
large chair was carried from the
dining-room of the Longo home,
hurled through the opening in the
east wall of the building and fell on
the lawn of the Magaddino home next
Think Dynamite Used
Fire investigators
believe that the destructive missile hurled into the house had
dynamite as its principal ingredient. The blast tore upward
and downward, twisting heavy timbers of the building and
dislodging the house from its foundation. Windows were
shattered like eggshells the roof was raised and then fell
with a resounding roar, plaster was cracked and crumpled,
falling to the floors of many of the rooms. Furniture was
lifted from its place and hurled against the walls and
ceilings, failing to the floor in pieces.
Sun Parlor Demolished
Sections of the large front sun-parlor were
demolished, brick and stucco piers were torn away
and following
the blast the house, which has three outside walls, one of
wood, another of stucco and a third of brick, appeared to be
on the point of collapse. Police today prohibited anyone from
entering it.
In arriving at his estimate of $15,000 damage to the
Longo home, Fire Chief O’Neill today took
into consideration
the costly furnishings of
the dwelling as well as the damage
to the building.
Much of the furniture
is completely wrecked. Little fire followed the blast and
practically all the damage to the three
buildings was from the explosive.
Seek Motive
Police Supt. John A. Curry and
Chief, of Detectives George H. Callinan
took active charge of the investigation
early today. They sought a
motive for the attack on the home
and the Longo family but admitted at
press time that they had made little headway in establishing the reason
for the outrage. They awaited the
return from New York of Mr. Longo
to question him as to possible enemies.
Mrs. Longo was a sister of Mr.
Magaddino, who lives with his family
next door to the Longo home. He
and other relatives and friends of the Longo's conferred with Supt. Curry
and Chief Callinan but could offer
little that would establish a motive
for the outrage.
May Be Beer War
In their investigation police took
into consideration the fact that Mr. Magaddino Is allied with
brewery interests
and heads the Power City Distributing
company, whose headquarters
are in LaSalle avenue near Eleventh
street but they could see no connection with his affiliations
Longo's interests.
Every angle of the case was being
considered by the police as they strove
to get to the bottom of the situation.
Police Supt. Curry offered the suggestion
that the outrage might have been
perpetrated by an outside gang of terrorists
who bore some grudge against
Mr. Longo. However, the police theorized
that such an element usually
knows where the object of its attack is at the time the attack is made
and they were puzzled that the wife
and daughters of Mr. Longo should
be made the victims of any outrage
intended for him.
"If they had anything against Nick,
why take it out on his wife and children?" one close friend of
the Longo family asked, as he was quizzed by police.
Feeling High In Neighborhood
Resentment against perpetrators of
the outrage ran high in Whitney
avenue, Ashland avenue, Elmwood
avenue and throughout the Nineteenth
street, Eighteenth and Pine avenue
sections today.
The Longo family was
popular with residents of the district
and the anger of their friends biased
against those who had caused them
injury and resulted in the death of
the mother of the family.
In their investigation of the outrage
police today were checking movements
of persons in the neighborhood
and trying to determine it any strange
men were seen in the neighborhood
of the Longo home before the explosion
They started a systematic
checkup of the activities of members
of the city's underworld element in
the hope that they would uncover
some clue that would lead to the arrest
and punishment of the bombers.
for Break,” District Attorney Says After Questioning
Husband of
Slain Woman; Deny G-Men to Be
Called in; Reprisals Feared
Falls, MAY 20, 1936, - District
Attorney Raymond A. Knowles took personal charge of the
investigation of the Nicholas Longo
home bomb
outrage today. Accompanied by Clarence W. Greenwald, Assistant
District Attorney, and George H. Callinan, Chief of
Detectives, Mr. Knowles questioned Longo, but following the
Interview announced that nothing had been divulged that would
provide a clue to the motive for the attack on the home which
caused the death of Mrs. Longo and Injuries to her three
Hoping for
"All I
can say is that we are working on the case and hope for a
break," Mr. Knowles said this morning.
questioning of Longo took place in the home of his
brother-in-law, Stephen Magaddino, 1659 Whitney Avenue.
Magaddino is
a brother of Mrs. Longo, victim of the outrage.
Following his
return from New York last night Nicholas Longo was requested
to appear today at Chief Callinan's office at police
headquarters, where it was planned to question him. Shaken by
grief and suffering from shock, Longo asked If the interview
might take place in the home of his brother-in-law and because
of his bereavement his request was granted.
Three Theories
theories are being considered by the authorities In their
Investigation of the case.
One is that the attack on the Longo home was connected
with a bookmakers' war between Falls and Buffalo bookmakers,
another is that it was in connection with a beer distributors'
war and the third that it was due to a personal enmity that
some persons, at present unknown to the police, held against
A fourth
theory that the bombing of the house and the murder of Mrs.
Longo might have been in connection with an attempt at
extortion, with Longo as the victim, has been practically
rejected by the authorities, they intimated today.
Killing Intended
The feature
of the case that puzzles the authorities is that the attack
was made on the home when Longo was not in It. Underworld
agents make few mistake in an attempt to "get" a
victim. Longo left this city several days
ago for New York, where he was called, his friends and
relatives and he says, because of the serious illness of his
If those who
bombed his home wanted to end his life they would have made
sure that he was in it
when the attack was made, authorities point out.
suggestion has been made that the perpetrators intended the
bombing of the house as a warning and did not realize that it
would end in tragedy believing that the house would be
damaged and
not intending that inmates would suffer injury or
This theory
is discredited, however, because of the brutality displayed by
the perpetrators in using two bombs, instead of one.
Outside Interests
Superintendent John A. Curry and Chief Callinan both said
today that Longo has no police record here.
The former
inclines to the opinion that the bombers were from outside the
city and that whatever the enmity against Longo it was held by
some outside element.
Police today
admitted, however, that they had not been able to unravel the
situation and that the motive for the attack on the home was
still shrouded in mystery.
officials said that there was no evidence, direct or indirect,
to substantiate the report that the
bombing was
the result of a gang war between Falls and Buffalo underworld
No Racket
was not connected with any rackets as far as we now
know." Chief Callinan said In discussing the case.
"He had
a love for gambling but he operated no games and his gambling
activities were restricted to participation himself in the
game of chance," the chief continued.
A Buffalo
record shows that Longo was arrested by government men last
November in connection with the alleged transportation of
alcohol. There is no record of a final disposition of the
Falls police
are not reticent in admitting that they look for reprisals
because of the bombing outrage
but they said today that they were in the dark as to where the
reprisals would break out or In what element.
Dr. Joseph V.
Farugia, coroner, said Mrs. Longo died, from burns and shock.
showed that she undoubtedly walked directly into the scene of
danger when she descended the stairway of her home after
having been awakened by some noise and sought to investigate
its cause.
She was
clothed only in her nightdress and as she reached the lower
floor of her home and made for one of the doors leading
outside the explosion occurred.
nightdress was burned from her body and she was completely
seared by flames. Blood was found by Investigators in the
front entrance of the house and in other places indicating
that she
had groped
her way about after being caught by the blast.
Her three
daughters, Josephine. 16. Rose, 14, and Lena, 11, who were to
the house when the explosion occurred and who were injured,
were reported out of danger today.
Rose and Lena
were taken to Mount S t Mary's Hospital with their mother. The
former was to be discharged from the hospital today and the
latter was said to be recovering satisfactorily.
Police Supt John A. Curry' said today that a report
that federal authorities bad been appealed to or would be
appealed to for aid in solving the mystery was news to him. He
said that such a move
had not even been considered by him.
Services for
Bombing Victim to Be Held Saturday Morning
services for Mrs. Arcaagela Longo, 43 years old, wife of
Nicholas Longo, 1651 Whitney Avenue who was fatally burned
yesterday when a bomb was exploded in her home, will be held
Saturday at
8:30 a.m. from the home of hat brother, Stephen Magaddino,
1655 Whitney Avenue, and at 9 o'clock from St. Joseph's
church. Interment will be in St. Joseph's cemetery.
Mrs. Longo
was born In Italy and had lived in this country for the past 21
years, coming hare from Brooklyn 16 years ago. Besides
her husband, she is survived by three daughters, Rose,
Josephine and Lena Longo, all of this city, three brothers,
Stephen, Casper and Anthony Magaddino, of this city, two
sisters, Mrs. Josephine Genna and Miss. Rosario Magaddino,
both of Brooklyn, and her mother, Mrs. Joseph Magaddino, of
Huge Throngs Attend Last Rites
for Falls Bombing Victim Today
St. Joseph's Church Unable to Hold Crowds That
Gathered for
Funeral of Mrs. Nicholas Longo
Niagara Falls, NY, MAY 23, 1936, - Mrs. Nicholas
Longo. victim of a
bomb that early Tuesday morning
shattered the Longo home, 1681 Whitney
avenue, was buried today at a
ceremony that attracted huge throngs
of mourners, friends and associates of
the victim's husband and additional
hundreds of the Idly curious who Jammed
the streets adjacent to the home
of Mrs. Longo's brother and St. Joseph's
church, where the services were
2000 In Crowd
The Immense crowd, estimated at
nearly 2,000 persons, started gathering
early this morning at the home of
Stephen Maggadino, 1653 Whitney
avenue, the brother. The large Maggadino
home was soon filled with the
close friends of the Longo family and
other hundreds overflowed into the yard and street nearby,
where foot
large trucks and two automobiles had
been piled with floral offerings of
every description.
Police In Crowd
Following the services at the home,
the mourners carried in over 400
automobiles, moved to St. Joseph's
church, which also proved too small
to accommodate the crowds of persons from every walk of life.
and police who are still seeking the perpetrators of the
that resulted in Mrs. Longo's death,
mingled with the crowd outside the
church, checking up on underworld
characters in attendance.
A solemn requiem mass was celebrated at the church by the Key.
Nicholas Longo, whose, death,
by: injuries suffered when a
wrecked her Niagara Falls, Whitney avenue
on May 19, is not being investigated
G-men, according to Detective
George H. Callinan.
Nicholas Longo |
Say No G-Men at
Work on Bombing
Local Police Still Seek Motive, Clue in Outrage
Niagara Falls, NY., May 29, 1936 - Police
Superintendent John A, Curry and Chief of Detectives George H.
Callinan today declared that they have no Information that
federal G-men are working on the solution of the Longo home
explosion and the slaying of Mrs. Arcangela Longo, wife of
Nicholas Longo, despite rumors to that effect and accounts
published in Buffalo newspapers
Chief Callinan explained today that the party of men
in whose company he had dinner In a First street restaurant
last night and who were identified as G-men today by a Buffalo
morning newspaper, were, in. reality, old friends who are here
attending the Knights of Columbus convention
Some were police officials and a few were members of
the Past Grand Knights organization of the K. of C
The Longo case was not discussed officially, at least
at the dinner at which Chief Callinan was host, said today.
No request for federal assistance has been made by
local police officials for federal aid In the Longo case.
The Investigation is being handled locally and
authorities are still hoping a break that will disclose a
for the outrage.
Second Attempt at Murder
Home Dana Drive in Lewiston, NY
Fatal Bombing
Here Recalled
Niagara Falls, NY, October 2, 1963
Stefano Magaddino of Dana Drive, Lewiston, who Joseph
Valachi said was marked for extermination in a gangland war in
the 1930s, lived next door to a
home here that was hit by a bomb in 1936. Magaddino's sister
was killed in the bombing.
Valachi, testifying before a Senate Permanent
Investigations |
Valachi |
Subcommittee in Washington, D.C., said
Maggadino was fingered for murder because he came from the
village of Castel Mare in Sicily.
In a struggle for control of a Cosa Nostra gang, a
force headed by Joe Massaria had condemned to death all
persons who came from Castel Mare, including Magaddino,
Valachi said.
On May 19. 1936, a bomb was thrown at the home of
Nicholas Longo at 1651 Whitney Ave. The home of Magaddino next
door at 1653 Whitney Ave. was damaged.
The blast rocked the Whitney Avenue section between
15th and 18th Streets at 5 a.m., and Mrs. Arcangcla Longo,
wife of Nicholas, died in hospital at 12:20 p.m. Three
daughters were injured.
Also damaged was the home of Peter Battaglia at 1649
Whitney Ave. Mr. Longo was in New York City at the time.
Mrs. Longo was a sister of Mr. Magaddino.
Niagara Falls police at the time thought that the
bombing might have been perpetrate by an outside gang which
bore a grudge against Longo.
However, they could not understand why the bomb was
thrown while Longo was out of town and why Mrs. Long and the
three children should have been the victims of the
Magaddino Dies of Natural Causes
Reputed Mafia Strongman Dies at 82
July 19, 1974
LEWISTON, N.Y. (AP)—A man once listed as a member of
the national governing body of the Mafia, Stefano Magaddino,
has died of a heart attack at the age of 82.
Magaddino had been suffering from heart ailments for
several years and was admitted to Mount St. Mary's Hospital
here by his family Friday afternoon.
Hospital officials said he died of heart failure about
four hours later Friday.
In1963, Magaddino was identified in a U.S. Senate
hearing as the "irrefutable lord paramount" of
organized crime in Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Toronto.
In 1970, the U.S. attorney general's office released a
list of six, leading La Cosa Nostra "commission
members." Magaddino's name was among them.
Federal investigators said they believed the
"commission" was the governing body of the Mafia in
this country.
He was also identified by the New York State Crime
Commission as a Mafia leader.
He was born Oct. 10,1891, in Castellamare del Golfo,
Trapani, Sicily, and became U.S. citizen in1924.
He said he arrived in this country in 1902 at the age
of 12.
In 1921, Magaddino was picked up by police in New York
City as a fugitive from a homicide investigation in New
Jersey. He was later cleared of any involvement in the case.
He was first hospitalized with heart troubles in 1960.
Five years later, he was subpoenaed to appear before a federal
grand jury investigating a New York City kidnapping.
In 1965, he was called to testify before the New York
State Investigations Commission.
He was hospitalized in each of those years and never
testified in either of the proceedings.
In 1968, he was among 10 men arrested in raids in
the" Niagara Falls area by the FBI, State Police and
local police from Niagara Falls, N.Y., Niagara Falls, Ont.,
Buffalo, North Tonawanda, Toronto and the Province of Ontario.
All 10 men were charged with conspiracy and aiding
Among those arrested with Magaddino was his son,
Bedridden with heart problems at the time, Magaddino
was arraigned on the charges in his bedroom.
Delays caused by his ill health kept the case from
going to trial.
In 1973, the charges against him were dismissed when
the FBI refused to divulge the identity of the informant they
used in gathering the information that led to the arrests.
After the 1968 arrests, the Mafia
"commission" reportedly forced him out; placing his
operations under its control.
Federal investigators say there is still a power
struggle going on within Magaddino's reputed Mafia family to
gain control.
Funeral arrangements were incomplete. They were being
handled by the Magaddino Memorial Chapel in Niagara Falls,
N.Y., the funeral home he owned.
His son, Peter, now manages the business.
Magaddino's Cousin Murdered In New York City
Chief Executives
Police Officers
History of Police Woman
History of Black Police Officers
Officers Memorial
Precinct 16
Cold Case Squad
Underwater Recovery Team
Mounted Division
Motorcycle Squad
K-9 Corps
Band and Drill Team
Cartography Unit
Printing Department
Pawnshop Squad
History Overview
Police Precincts
Mutual Aid
World War II
Desert Storm
Detectives 1980
The Blue Ribbon Gang
The Mystery Perfume Case
The Felons Fang
Contract For A Hit
An Eye For Murder
The Boarder Bandits
Detective William Burns