1970 Violent Protests at University of Buffalo
The passing of 35 years offers those touched by
violent protests a fresh perspective for reflection
ANTHONY VIOLANTI - News Staff Reporter (a reprint from the Buffalo News, February 20,
2005) |
Diane Pesch and Mickey Osterreicher in top left photo
The stench of tear gas and student revolt was in
the air
Pesch was marching in front of Hayes Hall at the old University at
Buffalo campus on Main Street , facing hundreds of police in
full-dress riot gear.
O'Keefe, a Buffalo tactical patrol officer, was trying to maneuver
his police car through dozens of chanting protesters who were
swearing, spitting and pounding on the automobile's windows.
Osterreicher was gripping a camera and running, trying to take
photographs for the student newspaper while fighting the tear gas
burning his eyes.

was March 1970. That year, from Feb. 24 until spring break on March
21, life changed for those three persons and most everybody else at
UB. They became part of the most violent and disruptive protest in
the school's history. Hundreds of police and thousands of students
confronted each other in a clash of cultures and values, with the
Vietnam War as the backdrop to it all. In 1970, the university was a
hotbed of activism and anti-war activity. |
began when a sit-in took place before a basketball game on Feb. 24
in Clark Gym. Buffalo police were called to the campus. The next
day, 16 people were arrested and at least 11 were hurt in a
disturbance that triggered problems for three weeks and gained
worldwide publicity. |

of students and professors were arrested; several hundred books were
destroyed when a firebomb was tossed into Lockwood Library. Students
held a sit-in at the presidential office. There was a student
strike, tear gas, property damage and nightly rounds of violence and
confrontations. Diane Pesch, now Diane Pesch-Savatteri, had grown
accustomed to the big campus where student radicals and activist
professors often held sway. "I wasn't a radical," she
said. "Like most of the students, I was in the middle. But I
was certainly against the Vietnam War."
remembers marching in front of Hayes Hall. "The whole thing
just didn't seem real," she said. "I started marching,
and I saw all these Buffalo police lined up in riot gear. There
was tear gas. I saw police clubbing students, they were chasing
students. I kept thinking, "Oh my God, it's here, this can't
be real, but it's happening.' " |
Why was she there? |
was a time when you wanted to expand yourself and listen to all
ideas," Pesch-Savatteri said. "It was a time of change,
and you knew change was coming. I felt I could be a part of change
by marching." The experience of 1970 had a lasting effect.
"It changed my life," she said. "It made me realize
there was so much beyond my own little world. I changed my major,
from teaching to social work. I felt I could change society that
way." |
Caught in the middle |
H. Osterreicher was a photographer at the Spectrum in 1970. "It
was the first time I ever experienced anything like that; I grew up
in New York City and never had any encounters with police,"
said Osterreicher, who later worked as a photographer for the
Courier-Express and as a cameraman for Channel 7. He is now a lawyer
in Buffalo .Osterreicher learned an important journalistic lesson
caught between police and students."I thought, being a journalist,
you're just an observer," he said. "But when you get tear
gassed, you're no longer just an observer, you're right in the
middle, and it doesn't make any difference if you have a camera or
not. The lines were blurred. You couldn't help but feel
involved." |
UB protest was part of a much larger anti-war movement at colleges
throughout the country. Hundreds of colleges held protests during
the spring of 1970, and four students died at Kent State in Ohio ,
while two were killed at Jackson State in Mississippi .
"Thank God no one was killed at UB," Osterreicher said.
"Ultimately, I think it did have a positive effect.
Eventually, we got out of Vietnam . Unfortunately, I feel like
history is repeating itself in Iraq ." |
Osterreicher's son, Ian, is a member of the U.S. Air Force ROTC.
"I'm very proud of him for wanting to serve his
country," his father said. "I feel that way about
everyone in the armed forces. This is a different time. We have to
support our troops, no matter how we feel about the war." The
experience "broadened my horizons," |
said. "I worked for the campus paper, but the protests went
out into the streets, and I covered them. Then I went to
Washington during another protest." During that era,
Osterreicher covered many trials, including the Attica prison
riots. He became fascinated with lawyers and the law, and he
eventually became a lawyer. |
An officer's scare |
1970, Police Officer Michael O'Keefe and his partner were in a
patrol car near Main and Minnesota streets, not far from the UB
campus, when a group of protesters threw a brick through a bank
and his partner tried to drive through the crowd to get to the
bank. "They kept beating on the roof, spitting, swearing and
throwing things at us," said O'Keefe, now retired. "It
was crazy, everything was boiling over, and I was scared out of my
said more protesters ran to the scene, and they started to build a
fire by a police barricade. By the time O'Keefe left the bank,
bonfires were ablaze, he said, adding that protesters were throwing
rocks at the police car. O'Keefe jumped back in, and he and his
partner made it down a side street.
back, O'Keefe has been able to see the conflict from both sides.
always felt a lot of good kids got caught up in this. There were
some bad kids and agitators, but there were a lot of good ones. We
took a few lumps, and I'm sure students took a few lumps from the
biggest regret was missing the baptism of his daughter, Mary Pat,
when he was on riot duty.
few years after the UB unrest, O'Keefe and other police officers
took part in a program with the university to interact with
students. |
kids would drive with us in a patrol car, and we got to talk with
them. I think they saw we weren't the enemy, and I think a lot of
cops came to like the kids, or at least understand them," he
said, adding that two of his sons, John and Paul, would graduate
from UB.
the 1980s, O'Keefe remembers working another protest in downtown
Buffalo . This time, the police received overwhelming community
support for restoring order, O'Keefe said, adding, "it's a
different country now."
with guilt
Graley participated in student marches at UB. Today he is a
marketing director for an insurance company in South Carolina and
describes himself as a conservative Republican.
was young and very impressionable, and UB was a very liberal
institution," Graley said. "The campus went kind of crazy,
and I got sucked into it. But as you get older, you find out it was
a bunch of bull."
lasting memory for Graley in 1970 was sitting in geology class as
rocks came crashing through the classroom windows. "I didn't
understand why those people throwing those rocks were trying to
stop the war but hurt me," he said. Graley also remembers a
nighttime dash through the parking lot to get to his car as police
fired tear gas.
thing still pains Graley: the protests against the Vietnam War
that criticized the soldiers fighting it. "I feel very guilty
about that," he said. "I have quite a few friends who
are Vietnam veterans, and I have apologized to them."
1970, Mark W. Huddleston was president of the UB Student
Association. He later taught at UB and was recently named president
of Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware , Ohio .
head of the Student Association, Huddleston was caught in the
middle, dealing with faculty and administrators while trying to
represent students.
felt pressure from the extreme left with their demands, but we
also felt pressure from the other side," Huddleston said,
adding he favored "the classic liberal education rather than
the brick-throwers."
experience, like the times, was confusing.
hard for me to say what the lessons were or the impact of what
happened at UB in 1970," Huddleston said. Somehow, those old
days of campus revolt have taken on a kind of nostalgia. "I
think there's a kind of wistfulness from baby boomers about what
happened during that time," he said. "The baby boom
generation has always been narcissistic. We spent too much time
looking in the mirror and thinking it was all about us."
R. Greiner has spent more than five decades at UB. In 1970, he was
a law professor, and he later served as the university's 13th
1970 unrest was "a traumatic, stimulating and very disturbing
time," Greiner said. It ended what he called "the
surrogate parent" role of the university. No longer could it
control personal student issues, from dorm life to demonstrations.
were determined to end "war and racism, and the university
became a target," Greiner said. "When you're young, you
want to make a statement and change things. People had this idea
of going to the barricades and acting like revolutionaries. The
campus was ripe for people to act up and act out. They were
challenging fundamental values.
happened in those days led to a conservative backlash,"
Greiner added. "I think students today are much more
many of the students who took part in the 1970 protests feel it was
worth it.
proud I was there," said Diane Pesch-Savatteri, whose
daughter, Anna, is a student at UB. "To this day, I tell my
children you have to fight for what you believe. And you've always
got to question the government, because they don't always tell the
recently visited the campus and took a stroll with her daughter.
seemed," she said, "pretty quiet."
Exploring the protests |
detailed history of the event can be found online at the alumni
magazine "UB Today" at www.buffalo.edu/UBT/features/.
e-mail: aviolanti@buffnews.com
the 1970's. Lieutenant Jerry Fusani was a young cop in the
Narcotics Squad working undercover on the UB campus. Lieutenant
Fusani witnessing the whole thing from the student's perspective.
He was making drug buys and attending their meetings at night.
Lieutenant Fusani found aspects of his assignment amusing,
He would be with a group of students yelling at the
"pigs", and police officers from the TPU would see
him in the crowd and knew who he was. Lieutenant Fusani made sure
he didn't get too close to them, He was sure the officers would
have tried to "stick" him too. ,
provided by Lt John Rieman
provided by T.J. Pignataro, Buffalo News